Deb managed to book a wicked hotel on line which was usually 250 US dollars a night and we ended up paying half price. The location was great and we were right in the centre of Manhatten. All four of us had visited New York before and had done all the sites so we just chilled out and had a good walk around, visited central park and went out for dinner in Times Square!
We were greeted in Guatemala airport by a nice air conditioned mini bus which was organised by the marina!It was totally worth the 150 dollars as last time we spent the five hour ride on a cramped, sweaty,chicken bus which sucked to be perfectly honest!We did a massive stock up in a big supermarket in the city and the time we finished it was night time. Finally all finished and we were just on the start of our five hour ride, getting us to the marina at midnight when the marina phoned the driver on his mobile asking if we were happy to travel at night! Umm well yeah of course we did not mind, Sym asked her why she was asking ! She replied it was extremely dangerous to travel at night as the road was very unsafe and encountered the highest death rate in Guatemala. Along side this we were informed it was safer in the day due to the risk of banditos attacking us and being robbed! Nice!! What a lovely place to bring our new born baby. The whole way back I was on pins that something bad was going to happen! Four hours ride I managed to scare everybody half to death. Every one was sleeping. I had fallen asleep and was dreaming that we were about to have a crash! I woke up to silence and looked ahead and we were on the wrong side of the road! Jesus Wept!! I screamed Sym woke up and i started screaming the driver had fallen asleep...Sym started shouting and shaking him. After we frightened the life out of him he explained to Sym in Spanish he was awake and was avoiding the pot holes on the road!!
After heart failure we all arrived at the marina a little after midnight safe and sound! The manager very kindly put us up in the marina hotel for the night cos it was too late to get down to the boat!! Thank you Jean - Claude!!
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